Cape Breton Regional Municipality Active Transportation Plan

Cape Breton Regional Municipality Active Transportation Plan


Fathom was commissioned by CBRM to develop the 2022 Active Transportation plan focusing directly on improving the health and quality of life of residents by expanding AT infrastructure in populated areas. The plan works to link population centres to schools, downtowns, business centres, shopping areas, and other communities.

Fathom worked with CBRM, stakeholders and the public to develop a plan that plans out the next 20 years of AT investment within the municipality focusing on locations able to increase AT participation, reduce residents’ reliance on cars, create greater social equity, and improve residents lives in measurable ways. The plan also leverages the economic benefits to reduce municipal costs of traditional transportation network expansion and maintenance all the while improving safety for vulnerable populations like youth and seniors. As a result, the 2022 plan focuses more specifically on projects within CBRM’s various urban communities. The primary focus is reducing vehicle reliance in exchange for safer AT routes connected to key, routine destinations within CBRM’s populated communities. In the more rural areas of CBRM, Fathom’s plan is supported by the continued expansion of the provincial Blue Routes, implemented by the Province of Nova Scotia.

A final report and implementation plan was provided to the CBRM that was inclusive of phasing and wayfinding standards to improve the existing and new AT networks.


Completed 2022

Our Role



Cape Breton Regional Municipality


Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

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