Diamond Bailey Healing Centre

Diamond Bailey Healing Centre


Diamond Bailey Healing Centre is a new emergency transitional housing centre operated by the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre in Halifax, NS. It is named after those who dedicated their entire lives to harm reduction within the urban Indigenous community. The design of the building strays from a standard institutional layout to incorporate a more diverse method of support that is based on the needs of each individual. The housing is phased from shared bunk rooms to smaller individual dorm rooms and then to bachelor apartments to help with the transition into longer term housing. In addition, the process of smudging was considered when designing the building’s systems in order to allow for this sacred ceremony to happen throughout the building. Each space features design elements that are both inspired by and celebrate Mi’kmaw culture. It was critical for the project to be rooted in Indigenous principles while meeting the functional needs of the facility. Aside from the housing component of the building, there is also extensive storage space for potential donations and multipurpose program space to allow for smaller scale events and workshops for the local community. 


Completed 2023


Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning


Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre


Halifax, Nova Scotia


Halifax Urban Design Award - Award of Excellence for Housing Solutions

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