Town of Wolfville Wins National Planning Award
We are pleased to announce that the Town of Wolfville, together with Fathom Studio, FoTenn, Hatch Engineering and CBCL have received the award for Planning Excellence in the category of Rural/Small Town Planning at this year’s Canadian Institute of Planners’ Annual Awards for Planning Excellence.
“ The Wolfville Comprehensive Planning Document Review focused on form rather than the separation of use. The bold ship supports better sustainability principles, balanced by the town’s character and rich Acadian heritage. The plan promoted living and thriving sustainably, and embraced climate action, social equity and a series of “Nested Circle” core concepts—complete communities, human scale, pedestrian first, neighbourhood character and new urbanism. A comprehensive engagement strategy brought stakeholders and the community together to shape the path forward on age-friendly communities, affordable housing, and social integration. The jury members were impressed by the comprehensive methodology for this project that addressed in synergy four planning instruments: the Municipal Planning Strategy, the Land Use Bylaw, the Subdivision Bylaw and the Design Guidelines—Urban Design / Architecture and Stormwater. The project, grounded in council’s aim and commitment for its residents, addressed climate change mitigation and adaptation. The project educated people on planning concepts and set a framework to support the achievement of feasible outcomes.”
The highly-illustrated planning Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy documents offer increased clarity and user-friendliness.