Grenfell Mission Museum
Grenfell Mission Museum
Born, raised and educated in England, Sir Wilfred Grenfell became an adopted Canadian hero who was profoundly moved by the dire circumstances of fishing families in northern Newfoundland and Labrador at the turn of the 20th century. Located in St. Anthony, at the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland, the Grenfell Interpretive Centre and Museum celebrates Sir Wilfred’s legacy.
The interpretive centre was established in 1997, and in 2016, the institution looked to renew its exhibits as well as interpretation and walking trails at the centre. We, along with Susan McLeod Solutions and interpretive planner Marian Macaulay, were asked to develop a new plan.
The new plan and design took into account different attention spans, increased interactivity to keep audiences engaged, all the while retaining as much of the original exhibits as possible to keep implementation within reach.
At this time, the first phase of implementation is underway with Adrift on an Ice Pan exhibit being fabricated in preparation for installation in the spring of 2021.
2017 (design)
2021 (fabrication and installation of Adrift on the Ice Exhibit)
Our Role
Interpretive Planning
Grenfell Historic Properties
St. Anthony, Newfoundland