Kejimkujik Gender Neutral Washrooms and Shelter
Kejimkujik Gender Neutral Washrooms and Shelter
Designed as a new standard for Kejimkujik National park, this project represents what was the first gender-neutral shower/washroom facilities to be built in a Canadian National Park. Ten of these facilities have been built in the park and represent a significant change to the park’s amenities and services.
The design features a vertical patternization to the facade and fenestration that emulates the old-growth hemlock and pine forest conditions unique to the site. Each shower and washroom facility has multiple exit points and complete privacy from the open common space. Larger format tiles and durable wall surfaces will ensure longevity and efficient maintenance. The exterior envelope takes the same approach and uses Eastern white cedar cladding, standing seam metal roof, and curtain wall windows to maximize durability and the use of local building materials.
Parks Canada is currently employing this design across Canada as a new standard.
Completed 2021
Our Role
Prime Consultant - Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Parks Canada
Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia