Kouchibouguac National Park South Entrance Kiosk
Kouchibouguac National Park South Entrance Kiosk
This project for Parks Canada was led by DesignPoint, a firm well-known for its sustainable and energy-efficient building solutions. DesignPoint retained Fathom Studio to provide architectural design and landscape architecture services. Parks Canada was looking to replace the existing separate kiosk and firewood shed with a single building that would also serve as a small information kiosk.
The new entrance kiosk includes amenities such as a site check-in area and information desk, firewood purchasing desk, laundry area, staff facilities and a gender-neutral accessible washroom. The new kiosk focuses on the efficiency of space and energy usage, sustainable local materials and is located within the former parking lot to minimize site disruptions.
Materials are similar to those of existing park buildings: the exterior is white cedar with accents of red cedar and black stained cedar. The entrance canopy is suspended to provide unobstructed access. Wood elements and high ceilings give the sense of a spacious interior.
Completed 2022
Our Role
Architecture, landscape architecture
Parks Canada
Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick