Pijinuiskaq Park and King St. Streetscape
Pijinuiskaq Park and King St. Streetscape
Taking a project through its full life cycle
This project is the first completed phase of Bridgewater’s Downtown and Waterfront Master Plan, which had the goal of bringing people and investment back to the Town’s historic main street. The objective was to re-invigorate the once thriving retail street and adjacent riverfront as an attractive and vibrant destination to entice residents and visitors out of their cars and spend time in the downtown.
The comprehensive design entirely transformed a 2.5 block stretch of King Street from building face to water’s edge, forcing the demolition of a 1960’s parking structure that hung over the shoreline and obstructed physical and visual access to the river for decades. Fundamentally, the design persuaded business owners and residents to shift away from a car-oriented mindset by successfully demonstrating that public open space, not parking, can been the catalyst for the revitalization of a downtown and an overall healthier community.
Led by our landscape architects, this major infrastructure project involved a cross-disciplinary team of planners, civil, structural, and electrical engineers, working closely together to transform a vehicular-prioritized road cross section and steep sloping riverbank with a 7-meter difference in elevation, into a comprehensive, multi-functional linear park and pedestrian-friendly streetscape. United through a series of innovative interventions, the space provides a variety of opportunities and experiences from street level down to the water, ranging from large gatherings, concerts, and events — to boating, fishing, and quiet contemplation.
Planning - 2012–2013
Completed 2017
Our Role
Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Transportation Planning, Signage & Wayfinding, Civic Branding, Public Engagement.
Town of Bridgewater
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Canadian Society of Landscape Architects - Award of Excellence Small-Scale Public Landscapes
Atlantic Planning Institute - Award of Planning Excellence, Physical Plans and Design
All photos this page ©Scotty Sherin